Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Christophe Biernacki has some contracts and/or PhD theses with regional companies: Arcelor-Mittal (thesis), Auchan (contract), PIXEO (contract and thesis), Cylande (contract).

Collaborations within PSo-Innov

Participant : Sophie Dabo.

Sophie Dabo is a member of the regional emergent project Précarité, Solidarité, vers un accompagnement innovant des personnes en difficultés d'une association spécialisée with the LGI2A, CRIL, Discontinuité, LEM, APSA-Pas-de-Calais and coordinator: Issam Nouaouri (issam.nouaouri@univ-artois.fr).


Participants : Samuel Blanck, Guillemette Marot.

During the 'Plan Cancer 2' period, eight SIRICs ('Site de Recherche Intégrée sur le Cancer') were created in France, including the SIRIC ONCOLille. This last one financed the project MPAGenomics2, coordinated by Guillemette Marot, to biologically validate on cohorts of patients suffering from leukaemia the tools developed by the Development Technological Action MPAGenomics. The project lasted five months and other partners were Functional Genomics platform from Univ. Lille 2, INSERM UMR-S 1172 and biology pathology center of Lille hospital.